Re: [NTLK] Names bug?

From: Paul Guyot (
Date: Thu Aug 30 2001 - 07:08:35 EDT

>try this:
>- open names
>- switch to list view
>- double-tap a tab. it will take you to the top of the list for the _second_
>letter on that tab
>- now tap on a name to show the card for that name (card view)
>- double-tap on a tab. you'll get to the top of the list for the first
>letter. double-tapping in this case doesn't work the way it ought to work.

Double-tapping doesn't do anything different from two taps on the
selection tabs (Cf Programmer's Reference 6.28 sqq), except that
maybe if you tap too quickly, the second tap might be lost because
the layout switches from card to overview (the reason is that the
group is unhilited when the layout switches).

The current behavior of the names application is to go to switch to
overview if in card mode and go to the first item in the list which
the field you're sorting on is starting with the first letter in the
group you tapped if you hadn't this item selected or the second
letter if the group was already selected.
(if there is no card starting with this letter, it goes to the next
card or the last card if there is no next card).

Example: I am sorting on last name and I'm viewing Charlie Allom's
card and I tap the AB group (which of course is selected), it
switches to overview and goes to the first B entry in this folder
which is Simon Bell. If I tap the KL group, the list goes down to
Carsten Lemmen (first L in this folder). I don't have any EF, so if I
tap the EF, it goes directly to GH (and hilite the GH group). I don't
have any YZ or anything after that, so if I tap YZ, it goes to Steve
Weyer, the last card of this folder.


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