[NTLK] quoting digest issue with pine?

From: Brian (bmcewen_at_mediaone.net)
Date: Fri Aug 31 2001 - 11:03:15 EDT

Anyone else have troubles when replying to a digest and using pine?

I was in digest mode for a while, trying to reply including all the digest
text and then editing it down to just what I wanted to include didn't work
properly once Listar came into being. The text always gets truncated at
the end of the first email in the digest, and the rest of the digest
doesn't get quoted.

The only option in pine that I found that might be causing this was "strip
sig on reply"; assuming that if the first person used sigdashes, the rest
of the digest would likely get whacked at that point. However, I have that
option turned off, and this list is the only list I'm on (of 3) in which I
have that trouble with replying to digests.

I'm not using digest mode now, and soon will discontinue my shell access
anyway (until I get my own linux box up :) but am wondering if any other
digest users have noticed this (maybe test with a shell account if you have
access to one?)


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