Re: [NTLK] What OS on a LC 575

From: james richter (
Date: Sun Dec 30 2001 - 21:10:56 EST

I use a Keyspan dual serial to USB adapter. I've
heard some complain that they can't get it to work,
but I use it without a hitch. Others swear by Belkins
serial adapter. If you buy one, buy it off of ebay.
I bought my Keyspan dual serial for just under $30
brand new--new ones from MacMall and other retailers
are $60 to $75.

You, of course, will need Newton Connection Utilities
2.0 to synch under Classic/OS9.2.2. Do a search for
it (and all your Newton needs) at

You may also consider getting an ethernet card. I
have a 3com ethernet card which syncs great using
AppleTalk. Much, much faster than a serial
connection, though it sucks up the juice. You really
need to use an AC adapter when using the ethernet

I asked the ver same question about native OSX
synching. There is nothing available at this time.
As far as I know, no one is working on trying to
carbonize or create a cocoa version of NCU2.

By the way, I don't find Classic a pain to start up.
In the Classic control panel, I've chosen to start up
Classic whenever I boot up the computer into OSX.1. I
have two OS9.2.2 folders on my Mac--my "classic
folder" and my "OS9 folder."

I have three hard drives which are all partitioned.
My OSX.1 partition consists of the OSX.1 system folder
and the classic system folder. On a separate
partition, I have my OS9 folder. The classic system
folder is exclusively used with OSX.1. It is just the
standard Mac OS installation and any third-party
control panel (like for my Keyspan) that I use under
Classic in OSX.1. Because it is such a minimalist
system, Classic starts up very quickly for me.

The OS9 folder is the system I boot into whenever I
boot into OS9. This is one large folder full of 3rd
party control panels/extensions that I need if I'm
using OS9. I really only boot into OS9 anymore to use
ProTools. There's no purpose to have the DAE folder
installed in my classic folder, since I can't use
ProTools in OSX.1 either natively or under classic.

By the way, I spend a lot of time reading the forums
over at I recognize your name from the PDA
forum. You must be pretty excited to get the 2100.
Don't let any the crabby anti-Newton people over there
get you when they ask "what can you do with a Newton."
 You spend enough time reading the Newtontalk posts,
it'll become clear you made the right choice.

Jim R.

--- Philip Katz <> wrote:
> That's sorta what I was thinking. How well though
> does it work in Classic?
> What are some good serial adapters? Is anyone
> working on a way to use the
> 2100 NATIVELY in OS X, because It's a pain to start
> Classic?


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