Re: [NTLK] Defragmenting Newton

From: Jonathan Beaudry T. (
Date: Tue Jan 01 2002 - 00:46:00 EST

well, i've been waiting to see what others say about defragmenting a
Newton and there has been no responses yet so i'll tell you what i think

through the reading i've done it seems that you do not need to do a
deframent on you newton because of the way it stores information. It
doesn't store information the way a windoze machine does (something to do
with slots and once a slot has been used and emptied it cannot be reused
by different information w/o defragmenting the hard drive...i
think)instead newton used soups, so when you add and delete things all the
other information on your newton just kind of sloshes around and fills the
gaps. BUT, when you delete a program off your newton, the programs
prefrences usualy get left behind. There is a program called SBM Utilities
that i use often, and it analyzes all the soups and prompts you to delete
them...its got other good uses too

thats my 2 cents, i could be dead wrong about all that, so don't bet the
farm on it...
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