[NTLK] List stats for July 2001

From: Victor Rehorst (victor_at_newtontalk.net)
Date: Mon Jul 02 2001 - 19:57:45 EDT

As promised, here are the statistics for the list ending June 30. I hope
to make this a monthly posting, with the stats of the previous month.
It's also available online at:


Oh, and yesterday was Canada Day. Canada is 134 years young! Happy
Canada Day! (Canadians can be patriotic too you know...)

Mailing list statistics for NewtonTalk

Generated on Mon Jul 2 19:53:01 EDT 2001 by mailstats.pl 0.11

Top Posters (over 15 messages):
ThisOlNewt_at_ao... () had 21 posts
Tod.A.Smith_at_ro... ("Smith, Tod A") had 18 posts
bmcewen_at_co... (Brian McEwen) had 23 posts
david.humphreys_at_ho... ("Humphreys, David") had 17 posts
esworp_at_ma... ("Derek Prowse") had 25 posts
fyzycyst_at_ho... ("Eric L. Strobel") had 36 posts
gmoody_at_ho... ("Gary Moody") had 18 posts
grant_at_sp... (Grant Hutchinson) had 16 posts
jimthej_at_pa... (Jim Johnston) had 20 posts
laurent_daudelin_at_fa... ("Laurent Daudelin") had 72 posts
lokerd_at_ho... ("Drew Loker") had 24 posts
mici_at_ma... () had 17 posts
mmailand_at_ne... ("Marco Mailand") had 19 posts
ndutyme_at_ho... (John Skinner) had 21 posts
nemesys_at_co... (Laurent Daudelin) had 17 posts
onefishtwofish_at_ma... (THX 1138) had 20 posts
pen1_at_sp... (Paul Nuernberger) had 16 posts
pfilmer_at_ns... ("Filmer, Paul E") had 22 posts
pguyot_at_ka... (Paul Guyot) had 44 posts
quixjuan_at_Qu... ("John M. Powell") had 43 posts
robertbenschop_at_bi... (Robert Benschop) had 58 posts
tech_ed_at_ya... (Ed Kummel) had 16 posts
victor_at_ne... (Victor Rehorst) had 75 posts
vitcitylb_at_ea... (Woo Lee) had 29 posts

These 24 people accounted for 51.154 % of total messages.

1343 messages posted, from Tue Jun 12 14:03:22 -0400 2001 to Sat Jun 30 22:23:51 -0400 2001
(+2 weeks, +4 days, +8 hours, +20 minutes, +29 seconds.)
Average message size is 2.490 kilobytes.
On average, there was a message posted every 19.673 minutes.

AOL 3.0 was used to send 1 posts
AOL 4.0 was used to send 4 posts
AOL 5.0 was used to send 23 posts
AOL 6.0 was used to send 19 posts
Apple Mail was used to send 76 posts
Balsa 1.0.0 was used to send 1 posts
CTM PowerMail 3.0.8 <http was used to send 9 posts
Claris Emailer 2.0v2, June 6, 1997 was used to send 1 posts
CompuServe 2000 6.0 for Windows US sub 10502 was used to send 4 posts
Cyberdog/2.0 was used to send 1 posts
ELM [version 2.4ME+ PL47 (25)] was used to send 5 posts
EarthLink MailBox 5.02.8 (Windows) was used to send 3 posts
EnRoute for Newton, Version 1.4.3b1 was used to send 32 posts
Endymion MailMan Standard Edition v3.0.24 at www.gunnar.cc was used to send 5 posts
Eudora for Windows was used to send 25 posts
Excite Inbox was used to send 4 posts
Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) XEmacs/21.1 (Cuyahoga Valley) was used to send 9 posts
IMP/PHP IMAP webmail program 2.2.0-pre12 was used to send 1 posts
Internet Mail Service was used to send 82 posts
JMail 3.7.0 by Dimac (www.dimac.net) was used to send 4 posts
Lotus Notes Release 5.0.4 June 8, 2000 was used to send 13 posts
MIME-tools 5.41 (Entity 5.404) was used to send 2 posts
Microsoft Entourage was used to send 181 posts
Microsoft Outlook was used to send 59 posts
Microsoft Outlook Express for MacOS was used to send 78 posts
Microsoft Outlook Express for Windows was used to send 124 posts
Musashi 3.2.3-de was used to send 1 posts
Mutt was used to send 3 posts
Netscape Mail 4.x was used to send 97 posts
Netscape/Mozilla Mail 6.x was used to send 2 posts
Novell GroupWise 5.5.2 was used to send 2 posts
SimpleMail/4.1.3 was used to send 15 posts
USANET web-mailer (34FM.0700.17C.01) was used to send 2 posts
Unknown (No Version) was used to send 2 posts
WorldClient Standard 1.1 was used to send 5 posts
exmh version 2.4 05/15/2001 with version was used to send 7 posts
Unknown mailer : 441 posts

Victor Rehorst - victor_at_newtontalk.net - chuma_at_chuma.org
NewtonTalk list administrator - http://www.newtontalk.net
Will help you with your list problems - as long as you're nice.

-- This is the Newtontalk mailinglist - http://www.newtontalk.net To unsubscribe or manage: visit the above link or mailto:newtontalk-request_at_newtontalk.net?Subject=unsubscribe

This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.2 : Sun Sep 09 2001 - 19:49:23 EDT