I too love SBM utilities. But it is not for the faint of heart.
It's an incredibly powerful tool. Used properly, it will allow
you to do many things. One wrong move though and much damage can
be done.
> Anthony Velasco wrote: Anyone have recommendations to remedy
> "soup bloat"?
> Ihave installed a
> number of packages over the last year, testing software to find
> that which
> ismost relevant to my needs. I recently used Thomas Tempelmann's soup
> browserto discover that I have some lingering remnants from
> packages deleted
> long ago! Is there a utility available that will allow me to
> delete these?
> I'm also assuming that such can be done safely without corrupting
> the soup?
> Thanks for your help. Tony Velasco
> [1] I LOVE SBM Utilities , it does everything but fold your laundry for
> you. well worth th cost.
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