somewhere near the temporal coordinates of 7/2/01 7:38 PM, the entity known
as Victor Rehorst transmitted the following from
> On Sun, 1 Jul 2001, Paul Guyot wrote:
>> It's a half-fixed Listar bug.
>> Listar, in the latest stable release, doesn't handle Quoted Printable
>> properly. There is a fix in the latest snapshot, and Victor tried to
>> grab the fix for this problem only (as the latest snapshot may not be
>> very stable).
> Instead, I went to the snapshot after I found out from other people that
> it's pretty rock-solid (which it seems to be).
>> I bugged him a lot with this Listar bug as it used to be painful with
>> Eudora: it constantly said that MIME errors occurred, and you had to
>> make the messages as alright and tell it to delete them from the
> It was also painful with Pine (the mailer I use), which would just
> truncate the messages.
Unfortunately, the presence of these strings of = this and = that are now a
(minor) irritant for some of us. I mean really, what's up with a string of
FIVE of these critters?? Luckily, so far, we haven't had too many messages
rendered basically unreadable by all these, as used to happen in the more
ancient days of the internet. (In fact, I thought that this problem had
been conquered long ago -- I assumed all mail clients just translated them
back to what they're supposed to be. But obviously, OE on the Mac does
But don't go to superhuman lengths or anything just for this. It's just
cosmetic and really doesn't impact the list in any meaningful way.
- Eric.
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