Re: [NTLK] Answers to (almost) all newbie questions

From: Mark Ross (
Date: Fri Jul 06 2001 - 19:50:53 EDT

>I know it's a pain to respond to all the Newbie questions BUT it is really
>appreciated. I would like to add one of my own=
> As a new MP2100 owner who uses the Palm platform as well I would like a
>way of easily converting my address book to use=
> on the Newton. I have saved the data in the Palm desktop as a .cvs (I
>think that was the choice) and then tried to do th=
>e converstion using NCU. There are a few choices and a lot of fiddling to
>try to match up the data fields. Is there a bet=
>ter way of doing this?
>Also I seemed to remember a mention that the Palm desktop can sync with
>the Newt somehow, is that accurate? and what do y=
>ou use. BTW I don't remember seeing this in any FAQs which are often very
>Thanks again for the help
>Alan Esner

You can use Claris Organizer on a Mac to sync with both. There are
certain caveats when syncing with the Newton. I'm sure someone else will
chime in on this.

And yes, you are correct, the FAQ is not very explicit about this topic.
Can the FAQ maintainers fix this?

Mark Ross

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