Re: [NTLK] The Cube is Dead

Date: Sat Jul 07 2001 - 04:38:37 EDT

In a message dated 7/5/01 9:22:32 PM, writes:
<< oh, don't even remind me. it seems that my fate is to be owner
of discontinued Apple products...

Michael Vacik >>

As long as I'm seeing war stories... I bought a Motorola Starmax Mac clone 3
months before Apple pulled the OS licensing. Then bought a Newton 2100, 1 or
2 months before it was cancelled. Then last winter, bought a G3 upgrade card
from Newtertechnology for the Motorola/Mac, via Macwarehouse who still had
them on the shelves, only to find out from an on-line news story on the day
it was to show up in the mail, that Newertechnology went under the previous
week, BEFORE I even ordered the darn thing. I'm trying not to take it
personally, and I KNOW I have good taste so I'm not making bad decisions.
I'm thinking my next purchase should be something made by Microsoft. I
should hurry before the new judge starts re-hearing the monopoly case. Maybe
I can save the country some money?

John Doyle

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