Re: [NTLK] Problems Downloading Packages From UNNA

Date: Sat Jul 07 2001 - 08:00:54 EDT


I am assuming you are using a Mac.=20
From my less than professional IT guy experience...between servers and ftp=20
clients and desktop compression utilities etc..sometimes a small bit of info=
can get garbled up in software. To fix this if you are using a Mac please=20
visit our site and get PakType by Steve Weyer. Heck if your new to Newton tr=
visiting our site. We have (always) the most resent FAQ. We have our own=20
collection of hints and tips. We have lotsa links. You could also surf on=20
over to Steve Weyers pages and get NewtsCape Try it out!

Keep the Green=E2=84=A2,
Rich Lindsay
This Old Newt=E2=84=A2, The Newton Online Monthly.
Home to the Newton Used Price Guide=E2=84=A2, Newton WebRing, Newton FAQ, an=
d the Son=20
of Ultimate Newton collection of Web Links. "If you cant find it here we wil=

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