Unfortunately, these comments about the Apple /// are totally untrue.
I bought an Apple /// in the early 80s, and I used that machine
tremendously for 7 or 8 years. The Apple /// didn't need to run
ProDos because it had its own very sophisticated operating system:
There were also lots of native applications that were available for
the Apple ///. The most common one was /// EX Pieces, an integrated
software package that combined a work processor, spreadsheet and
I still have my Apple ///, and it still works. However, I have since
moved on to the Macintosh, so it doesn't get used anymore.
>>Stainless Steel Rat wrote:
>>> * Greg & Jeanette Wayman <gwayman_at_earthlink.net> on Thu, 05 Jul 2001
>>> | Another word .........Lisa!
>>> Lisa never really died. It got a facelift and changed its name to
>>> "Macintosh".
>>Lets tell that to the HUNDREDS of units Apple dumped int the local Landfill
>I believe that was the Apple III that got landfilled. It was a dog of a
>machine anyway and deserved its fate. Anyway, its nice to know that our
>cube is now and instant classic!
>Mark Ross
>Date: Sat, 07 Jul 2001 13:45:13 -0400
>Subject: Re: [NTLK] The Cube Is Dead!
>From: Chet Johns <tcjohns_at_home.com>
>Yes, but do you remember the Apple III? It came between the apple IIe and
>the Lisa. I worked for a place that had one, it was pushed as the business
>version of the Apple II but only ran prodos in emulation. It had a 5 MB hard
>disk, was an all in one machine and cost a fortune. Only had about three
>native software packages available. I think it got killed after the first
>two left the factory. I worked for a school that ended up with one as a
>donation. If you lost the boot up disk for emulation to run Prodos you were
>hosed because the native operating system was fairly useless.
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