Re: [NTLK] Question: the power is yours!

From: John Johnson (
Date: Sun Jul 08 2001 - 20:03:50 EDT

On Sun, 8 Jul 2001 19:54:33 +0200, wrote:

> >Does anyone know how you can do this with a mp2000?
> The MP2x00s don't have backup batteries. I think it's the same as
> well for the eMates, but I'm not sure.
> They have a capacitor to hold the time, but if you unplug the Newton
> for a long time, you'll lose the time, and only this. Everything else
> (including system patch and screen calibration) is stored on Flash
> memory.
> In the case of MP120s and MP130s, the backup battery only save some
> data (the system patch and the screen calibration) plus the time.
> Everything else is stored as well on Flash memory.
> Some very old model may have been using dynamic ram instead of flash,
> but I'm not sure at all.
> No, Newtons aren't primitive calculators losing everything if you remove
> Paul
True but I can't help panicking whenever the power-bar looks kind-of low-ish
and I tend to top it up every 24hrs whether it needs it or not.
Once I was cought out with a lp interruption in the middle of sending a fax
of a highly edited (& long!) Works document and working over notes on the
way from a conference (long train journey) left me on low battery and not
that able to get additional work done on the file but the file survived OK
when I uploaded it to the PPC when I got home!
John Johnson.
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