On Tue, 10 Jul 2001, Victor Rehorst wrote:
> Actually, it may just be that the system patch has been blown away. You
> need at least 717260 or 710031 to recognize all 4MB of RAM. Tap
> Extras->i->Memory Info to check.
I tried very hard to "blow away" the system patch 747260 which caused huge problems in my (german) MP2k1.
Currently I have 747129-0 which recognizes the 4M System-RAM.
The system patch seems to be stored on a Flash-Rom or something nonvolatile, that means unpowering, discharging the SuperCap inside teh Newt and things like that would not have any effect at all to the system patch.
I achieved erasing the system patch using a very rude hardware-based method: I plugged in my defective (died after unintentional use of a 12V external power supply) System-ROM-card, tried to switch the Newt on, unplugged it and plugged in the original ROM-card in again.
So I do not expect that the system patch is that easy to erase simply by chance.
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