i\Is anyone involved in any other social/technical groups that
specialize in maintaining an ongoing use of some form of
retro/abandon-ware? Perhaps we can take some advice from the legions of
nerd still utilizing thier commodore 64s? I can bet that they have been
in the loop as far as uncontactable software makers for a spell longer
that we have. And dont tell me noone uses thier c64, i still have mine
plugged in, and got the port of Mosiac working on it, to boot.
On Wednesday, July 11, 2001, at 11:56 AM, John M. Powell wrote:
>> Is anybody handling http://www.ascribe.com Newtools as far as a
>> reg. code I like the demo of button bar but it expires after 30 days.
>> Brings up a point on some of these software companies that have
>> gone under, What is the groups thought on exchanging reg. codes
>> on projects that have met there demise? I have no problem paying
>> for software where it is possible, and god knows I do not want to
>> stifle any Newton software development.
>> But in the case of the Newton is there a fine line between Warez
>> and reality? Just a thought.
>> Greg
> Greg,
> It's definately something we've been chatting about. Not too
> aggressively, but it's been under discussion. On a side note,
> someone on the list sent me a full version of Small Talk with
> a working code (only thing I'm missing is the 3d greyscale
> buttons package... anyone?!!).
> After many emails, here's the latest on this venture;
> 1) LandWare purchased the PalmOS version ONLY.
> 2) Concept Kitchen no longer sells or supports this program.
> 3) My request for ConceptKitchen to allow us to post this
> program and it's code has been sent to the president of the
> company and I should have an answer soon.
> Kinda one of those things that it takes effort to track down the
> people, and if they are not reachable, for someone to be able
> to create a code generator so we in the community can still
> enjoy it if it's not purchaseable. Tactile hasn't been reachable.
> They were huge for the Newton, but who can reach them now?
> I'm still looking for a recipie program the TeleType used to
> sell (sellers of GPS stuff) - I'd really like to find this
> program, but no one seems to have it, and the word from
> TeleType is "We have nothing for the Newton here any longer".
> John
> jp_at_iwillbefree.com
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