Re: [NTLK] 2100 from ebay - the woe continues

From: Ed Kummel (
Date: Fri Jul 13 2001 - 00:04:16 EDT

This is probably one of the most philanthropic
displays of good will I have seen in a long time. Even
though it shouldn't, given the history of the Newt
Group, it surprised me, none the least, when I read
this email of a fellow newton-ite offering the
benefits of their valuable time and limited
resources...sure, we all contribute in some way to
this close-knit group. We do what we can with no
expectation of reward. Lately, after a particularly
trying period (bad blood postings, list
troubles...etc. etc) It has been very uplifting.
People volunteering hardware, bandwidth, time and
talent to bring something to a community that really
didn't expect it and showed great appreciation when
completed. I find myself congratulating the listees
over and over again. Especially those occupying the
"core" group. So, I really shouldn't have been
suprised by David's offer...but I was. Such a genuine
display of goodwill should not go unrecognized. Yes, I
know that David didn't make his offer expecting
anything in return, but such an out-of-the-blue offer
for someone who is just beginning to explore the
virtues of this machine and group just shouldn't go
I would like to like to publically recognize David
Humphreys for his work in the community. And while I
despise "me too" responses, this is one instance where
I would not mind seeing them. I suggest that everyone
on this list show David that his gesture is not going
Thanks David, I appreciate your contributions to this
group. honestly! Some day, I would not mind meeting
you personally!
web/gadget guru
--- "Humphreys, David" <>
> Matthew,
> I am sorry you were 'stung'. :(
> However, in an effort to make a bad deal good,
> I offer you this:
> If you will send me the unit and pay for shipping,
> I will upgrade the memory for free.
> I have the chips and the necessary skills as you
> are no doubt aware from my SER-001 board.
> If you can get a refund from this joker, then go
> ahead.
> Otherwise, my offer stands.
> Regards,
> David Humphreys
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From:
> []
> > Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2001 12:59p
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: [NTLK] 2100 from ebay - the woe
> continues
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > I though so! :-)
> >
> > I'm exploring the 'refund' route as I need a 2100
> or U2000.
> > If anyone wants a
> > 2000 in a 2100 case for about US$250+post or swap
> for an
> > U2000 it's yours.
> >
> > I suppose after 20+ auctions I was due a 'sting'.
> Not
> > impressed though!
> >
> > Matthew
> --
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