Re: [NTLK] Removing screen protector

From: Mark Ross (
Date: Fri Jul 13 2001 - 22:53:49 EDT


>1) Surface is very slick. It doesn't quite have the friction that
>a WR does. For me, this really isn't a con as I got used to it rather
>quickly, but some may consider it to be one.
>2) Too reflective. Because the surface is shiny, it reflects lights
>better. But this also plays into it's ability to be viewed better
>when light isn't boucing off of it.

This is an easy one to fix. NuShields have two sides, a gloss side and a
matte side. Just use the matte side up (this only works on Newtons) and
you will have the "paper feel" and glare reduction you want.

Mark Ross

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