Re: [NTLK] newtontalk Digest V1 #67

From: Jake Bordens (
Date: Sat Jul 14 2001 - 23:33:48 EDT

hello folks. Jake here. For those of you who remember the days of the
Newton Underground, I'm Jake as in "Will and Jake"...

Its been a long while since I used my netwon. In fact, after I got my
laptop, wireless ethernet was the killer app that kept me from carrying the

Now I've graduated from Carnegie Mellon, and I'm looking for a ligher, yet
powerful PDA to carry. Paul G. (ATA driver) got me thinking about
programming again...

For those of you who remember NUGdrop, it was my first attempt at
programming. Coming soon is my second app. "NewtonIM". A newton jabber

Basically, I wanted to code something to relearn programming the newton.
NewtonIM was it. The code is ugly. In writing and relearning, I've come up
with about a million imporvements that I'd make if I had the chance to start
again. Maybe someday I'll get around to 2.0.

Anyway, enough talk. Take a look here:

Its only a screenshot, but you should get an idea about what the current
status of the project is. I'll probably be releasing the beta soon.

Its good to be back.


From: "Marty Sanchez" <>
Subject: [NTLK] NewtJabber
Date: Sat, 14 Jul 2001 12:02:06 -0700

Hey All,

Does anyone know the current status of NewtJabber? I think that this would
be a killer app for the newton. I already a jabber client on my winblows
machine and it works great and I'm thinking one for the Newt would be great.

uncle marty

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