Any website that holds information about Abandonware should also have
information documenting how permission was acquired or any other
information about the abandon claim. This would be very important if
some vendor was to sue for damages claiming that a site is promoting
illegal distribution of software.
For software which has not been given permission, keeping contact
information, attempts made to acquire permission, and reasons for
decline of permission would be very useful to anyone attempting to get
release of a piece of software. Maybe part of the site should be set up
as a Wiki site which allows clients to change the pages. This would
allow the community at large to update and add to the web pages holding
this information. Some for of data base which could hold all of this
information plus description of the software which could be searched
would be very useful.
-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Rollins []
Sent: Sunday, July 15, 2001 9:34 AM
Subject: Re: [NTLK] Abandonware
What will probably happen with this "stuff" I've accumulated is as
follows; I'll go through it, to divide it into 2 categories:
A) "dead vendors" -those who are technically gone like the creators of
VEA or those that just 'don't sell' Newton stuff anymore, like Tibet (I
also saw that Tibet keys were posted recently by one of the authors)
B) "active vendors" - those that still sell/support Newton stuff.
Someone has graciously offered to post the items on their website. I'd
only send the category A items, but also a LIST of the category B stuff.
Once a vendor from category becomes an "A", and someone lets me know,
I'd forward the items to the site's Webmaster.
BTW - a lot of this is easy to find, doing a Google search or a Hotline
( and install a client) files search.
--Mark Rollins
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