Mitchell Vice wrote:
>I'm looking for a SIMPLE button bar enhancement. I just want a
>hierarchal listing of my "Extras" folder, maybe even one I could
>customize, just like Dashboard - but without all the other options. I
>hate the fact that my button bar gets taken over. ButtonBar Plus,
>while nice, doesn't have the hierarchal menu.
>Does anyone know of such an enhancement? Anyone want to write one?
>Your suggestions are ALWAYS appreciated!
Some users don't like it but I like Startbar from Stand Alone.
It adds an extra set of buttons below the button bar that displays the
currently running apps. There's also a "Start" button on the left of it that you
can customize to display any apps and/or folders from the Extras drawer.
It's similar to the Windows' Start bar.
I don't know if i++ by Thorsten Lange can dislplay folders, but it is
a nice utility.
Way Wong
Byte-Size Software
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