[NTLK] Just a Feeling...

From: Dave Abramowitz (underdog_at_erols.com)
Date: Mon Jul 16 2001 - 16:51:37 EDT

I don't know why, but I have a feeling we're going to see some kind of very
cool gadget at MacWorld this week. On one hand, you could say the Cube move
was to turn the 3x3 product matrix into a simpler 2x2 (iMac/iBook,
PowerMac/PowerBook). But on the other hand, you could say there's now room
for another column of coolness. I can't explain, other than to say, I said
the Washington Capitals were going to get Jaromir Jagr a while back, and it
came true, so I'm using my powers of 1 for 1 wishful thinking successes to
predict something very surprising and cool out of Steve Jobs, again. After
all, what else could make his keynote exciting? Brace yourselves for the
iPad, I say!!

With too much MSG from lunch,

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