>Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2001 16:51:37 -0400
>Subject: [NTLK] Just a Feeling...
>From: Dave Abramowitz <underdog_at_erols.com>
>I don't know why, but I have a feeling we're going to see some kind of very
>cool gadget at MacWorld this week. On one hand, you could say the Cube move
>was to turn the 3x3 product matrix into a simpler 2x2 (iMac/iBook,
>PowerMac/PowerBook). But on the other hand, you could say there's now room
>for another column of coolness. I can't explain, other than to say, I said
>the Washington Capitals were going to get Jaromir Jagr a while back, and it
>came true, so I'm using my powers of 1 for 1 wishful thinking successes to
>predict something very surprising and cool out of Steve Jobs, again. After
>all, what else could make his keynote exciting? Brace yourselves for the
>iPad, I say!!
>With too much MSG from lunch,
Dave has to be right. Over the weekend I just bought my first MP2000U,
have a 130. Of course Steve Jobs will introduce the latest iteration of
Newton thinking, now that I have spent this money. But the real joke is
that I would have done it anyway since the Newton is just so cool.
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