Re: [NTLK] Newton accelerator

From: Woo Lee (
Date: Wed Jul 18 2001 - 08:56:08 EDT

>i have some questions regarding the newton accelerator board offered by
>1. is it worth it?

Yes. I get mad at my other non-accel. MP2KU's...sorry.
>2. does it really work?

Yes. I get mad at my other non-accel. MP2KU's...sorry.
>3. what kind of speed improvements are we talking about here?

Heap-intensive apps.(both built-in and third-party) work in realtime, you
don't have to wait as much for apps. to open, windows close faster, HWR
keeps up, Newtscape opens/works/closes within seconds, email downloads
faster, games are harder, backups and rebooting is much faster. 'Find'
function is less than two min., used to be ten min. due to 80% internal and
90+% card(32 meg.) storage used!
*Only disadvantages are serial and IrDA ports are out of sync.(but somebody
said two accel. units could IrDA) and 'sounds' are higher pitch. But you
can switch off the accel. by depressing and holding the power button, if
you were using backlight then it's easy to use a software app. to turn on
*If you/somebody install the accel. and your Newt. has a 'non-responsive'
screen that needs a reset to get it working then the accel. is going too
fast. Oliver should send you a slower board. Mine is running 215-Mhz.
*Pix. takes paypal, so it didn't take too long.
>4. do i have to be a scientist to install it?

Wouldn't hurt. :-) You just have to be able to use a solder iron and
follow a schematic. I prefer to have Dr.Newton do the install.
>i would search the archives but it seems that function is not available,
yet (hint hint nudge nudge ;). any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Hmmm, not to say Victor is short of genius(but he keeps going to the wrong
'bar') google works great to sift thru the archives.
-A pint of Guinness and Crown lager to ya, Vic., ehh? :-D

!ooW %-)

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