On 7/22/01, Mark Montoya quoth:
>Was this caused by all the system resets I did while troubleshooting my
>Flash Card? Or maybe I never noticed this before.
mine does it. other claim theirs doesn't. It's probably some package
or another. In my case it was syspatch, and I'd rather have it doing
it's magic to keep the -10016 error at bay, so I live with it.
also keep in mind that monitoring the heap actually consumes heap.
strange but true.
unless you're getting "out of memory" errors, I'd ignore it.
hope that makes sense. It's late here, and I've been out for the
evening, and like a true geek I'm checking my email before bed. gawd.
-- ben. onefishtwofish_at_mac.comNewton Connections: The most obsessively updated Newton news site on the web: http://mail.jcsarchitects.com/~ben
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