Re: [NTLK] Does anyone really want the NewtonTracker

Date: Tue Jul 24 2001 - 08:29:53 EDT

> On 7/23/01, quoth:
> >Well, there have been no submitions to the NewtonTracker database. I
> >have to ask, does anyone here really want the NewtonTracker?
> I was a bit confused, is it just for new packages or were you trying
> to compile a database of all exist packages also?
> I kept meaning to put all my old stuff in, but then figured I'd wait
> until I finished the new stuff, and well, procrastination is a fun
> game your present plays with your future...
> later,

NewtonTracker is for all old and new packages.

| Carpman the Great 	| Guild of the Void Pointer 		|
| Ham Radio Opr: KD5HME | Keeper of the Arcane Dereference 	|
| Guild of the Void Pointer - All your base are belong to us    |
| 		Somebody set us up the bomb			|

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