Re: [NTLK] SER-001 installed!

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Wed Jul 25 2001 - 10:26:59 EDT

On Tuesday, July 24, 2001, at 10:39 PM, wrote:

> Just installed my SER-001 on my MP2100! It was a bit scary opening up
> the Newton (my first time) and a little piece of plastic clip fell out
> front the pen silo side of the case but I figured out where it it was
> supposed to go.
> Did anyone use the screws to fasten the card down? I used one - the
> other one stuck up too high.
> Great little mod! Maybe a Pixsolution upgrade would be in order!


Initially, David didn't suggest and even provide the screws. Then, he
decided that the screws were needed, based on some comments he received.
So, he sent out to everybody that ordered it a pair of screws, with
instructions on which one to use where. So, both screws should be used,
although many people reported a little bulge in the case after that,
myself included. The bulge in the case is not big enough to be a problem
for me, so I'll keep it like it is. For those that wanted a perfect fit,
David provided instructions on how to reduce the screw's overhead, but I
don't remember if it was on the pcb or the screw itself.


Laurent Daudelin              Developer, Multifamily, ESO, Fannie Mae             Washington, DC, USA
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