Re: [NTLK] Backdrop Vs Backdrop

From: Marco Mailand (
Date: Tue Jul 31 2001 - 06:39:14 EDT

> I am using Backdrop Builder from HexDump and happy with it, so who could
tell me what is the best
> of these two as I don't know Avi's.
I don't know Backdrop Builder but use ABD. Here are some reasons to use
Avi's BD:
1. shows the current owner and allows to switch to another worksite with a
tap onto the owner name
2. shows current time, date, heap, battery charge and is able to track your
names database for upcoming birthdays, which will be shown including the age
of the person.
3. has a backlight button, a loudness and memory selector as well as a
built-in -61 error fix and a restart function
4. has a shrikable notepad section, so that you can take notes and drawings
just in the backdrop like with notes. This notepad content can be dumped
into notes by a routing menu function, very nice.
5. allows background pictures which stay behind the notepad section. I've
installed a picture containing most needed informations like fax and phone
numbers as well as some conversions. Background picts can easily be created
with NewtonPress, following the instructions of Avi.
6. some of the displays of ABD (Date & Time) are configurable buttons. You
can e.g. assign AAG or WakeUpCall to them. Other displays are not
configurable but call e.g. a battery monitor, showing charging current and
temperatures or call garbage collection.
7. the bar beside the i-Button behaves like the bar at the bottom of each
note: it takes up all special buttons of some programs, like e.g. Gulliver,
StopWatch, AAG or MoreInfo.
8. the bottom of the ABD notepad part gives instant access to HWR settings,
styles and routing menu.

Fazit: At the beginning I used notes or extras as backdrop but I don't want
to miss the functionality of Avi's Backdrop. Together with DashBoard it
gives really fast access to all needed functions and thus let you get more
out of your unit.

With best regards / Viele Gruesse

Marco Mailand

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