[NTLK] Re: (No subject)From: oliver.brose@t-online.de (Oliver Brose)

From: Paul Guyot (pguyot_at_kallisys.net)
Date: Tue Jun 12 2001 - 12:33:10 PDT

>Stoo it, Harri! ;)
>Just send a plain
> set newtontalk digest
>no signature!

Maybe Victor's filter is working now. Nevertheless, this is not the
standard method.

Mail to newtontalk-request_at_newtontalk.net with set digest in the
subject (or in the body). Clicking this link should work:
<mailto:newtontalk-request_at_newtontalk.net&subject=set digest>

(the web page explains another working way to do it).

Be patient. Wait a dozen of minutes. Then you'll get a confirmation
message from Listar.


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