[NTLK] Re: newtontalk Digest V1 #1

From: John Dickie (J.Dickie_at_LTScotland.com)
Date: Wed Jun 13 2001 - 07:23:21 PDT


First, congratulations on the new list. It's great to see that what some
describe (in their limited and short-sighted way) as 'outdated technology'
still generating the kind of support and community spirit we see at work

I frequently use my eMate to record all day meetings - it amuses me to see
others scrambling around to find a mains power point to supplement their
inadequate batteries .... or waiting for what seems like hours for their
state-of-the art laptops to start up! I'm fairly sure mine is the only eMate
to be used regularly at the Scottish Executive.

However, just because we have an emotional bond with our little green pals
doesn't mean we should be disparaging about other technologies available
today. I also use a Palm Pilot - mainly because my eMate doesn't fit in my
pocket - and it is a very useful piece of kit for its purpose. It has a
reasonably good date book and a very good contact database. Better yet - it
synchronises with my Mac PowerBook via InfraRed so I don't need to carry any
cradles or cables. I can also collect email (admittedly without attachments)
via the Pilot and my cellular phone. What it doesn't do well is take or
organise notes - that's where my eMate comes in. With MacLink Plus I can
upload Newton Works files direct to Word documents - a great time saver.

In summary - use the tools you need to do the jobs you need to do - and be
grateful that our 'outdated technology' can still fulfil a useful function
when most other computers their age are consigned to the trashcan of

Best wishes to you all,


> ----------
> From: Martin Joseph
> Reply To: newtontalk_at_newtontalk.net
> Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2001 08:15 AM
> To: newtontalk_at_newtontalk.net
> Subject: [NTLK] Re: newtontalk Digest V1 #1
> Wow,
> I'm excited about the mime stripping and NO HTML IN THE DIGEST!!
> And a new Newton list too... in 2001.
> My MP2000 upgraded by Dr. Newton is still humming along here.
> I use the address book and notepad as well as Works for it's
> spreadsheet's where I keep my business records.
> I also use the incredible Simplemail by Simon Bell. Wow it rocks.
> Palm pilots still look like shit to me.
> Marty
> --
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