[NTLK] Re: MP2k Carrying Case?

From: Michael Drabicki (drabicki_at_mac.com)
Date: Wed Jun 13 2001 - 20:02:46 PDT

>So, any other suggestions?
>Thanks in advance!
>Joel Watson

I love my Ripoffs pouch for the Newt 2000 (CO-58). You can get it at
Holster-depot.com. Here is the URL:


I've been using it since my beautiful wife got it for me at Christmas! ;)

Mike Drabicki
WhizBang! Visuals
Yell. Jump. Play. Out-run those sons-of-bitches.
They'll never live the way you live. Go do it.
      --Ray Bradbury, Zen in the Art of Writing
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