[NTLK] Re: So UNSUBSCRIBE already...

From: David Manley (dmanley_at_mcgregor.edu)
Date: Thu Jun 14 2001 - 06:11:08 PDT

newtontalk_at_newtontalk.net writes:
>Please follow the instructions at the end of the email to unsubscribe to
>this email list. No one can do it for you, YOU have to do it. I have NO
>idea why you're getting these, but you have the solution. Just send an
>email to newtontalk-request_at_newtontalk.net with 'unsubscribe' (no quotes)
>the BODY of the email.

It doesn't work. I've tried it repeatedly.

I get a confirmation message that I've been unsubscribed but the messages
just keep on coming......

David B. Manley
Director of Information Systems
Antioch University McGregor
800 Livermore Street
Yellow Springs, Ohio 45387
Phone: 937-769-1888
Business e-mail: dmanley_at_mcgregor.edu

This is the Newtontalk mailinglist - http://www.newtontalk.net
To unsubscribe: newtontalk-request_at_newtontalk.net with 'unsubscribe' in 
the BODY.  Unsubscribe messages sent to the list will be filtered.

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