[NTLK] Re: Options to install software other than Serial???

From: Robert Benschop (robertbenschop_at_bigfoot.com)
Date: Thu Jun 14 2001 - 11:22:40 PDT

on 14-06-2001 8:52, Drew Loker at lokerd_at_hotmail.com wrote:

> Since it appears that I am not going to be able to get my IMPLANT to shut
> the heck off, what other method can I use to get software onto my Newton? I
> have software, specifically Ethernet software, on my computer (a stupid
> pc...non-Mac that is) that I need to get installed, but I cna not get the
> serial port to work.

Seems you're not in luck, AFAIK ethernet connections with a PC only work
through Basilisk, a Mac emulator and the only way to get the ethernet stuff
in your Newt when your serial connection doesn't work is with another Newt.

Robert Benschop

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