[NTLK] No longer supported software...

From: John M. Powell (quixjuan_at_QuixNet.net)
Date: Fri Jun 15 2001 - 05:51:02 PDT

> I believe I've seen an instance or two where a veteran programmer on this
list has stayed in contact with a colleague.

> If you have particular program(s) in mind, be specific in your post -
after all with a list this size you can't go wrong!

> And, hey, thanks for the reminder. Does anyone know how to get in touch
with the gang at NewtFTP? My trial period

> was spent last month and I have been trying to call these folks once or
twice a week since, but their phone mail is

> chock-full and nobody picks up (at ANY hour). Thank heaven and Victor et
al. that the list is back up - the "Neural

> Newtwork" is functioning again!

> ......ecotone

I am certainly not encouraging piracy. IMHO, that was one of the things that
contributed to the downfall
of the Amiga line of computers. In some cases, you literally could have
gotten pirated software BEFORE
it had even been released! And I personally have spent probably close to
$400 in software for my Newton.
But in situations where that is no longer an option.....
A couple cases in point...

1) I've been trying to track down Harry Kardash of HexDump software - they
seem to have dropped
off the planet. I found a lead, which had a contact, which made emails....
nuthin more. They made
HexPaint (good prog, although I haven't used much) and Bricks2, definately
one of the best games
on the Newton period - some incredible animation and the gameplay is pretty
good too. In THIS case,
their software does not require reg codes. And I DO OWN both of them. So
it'd be no problem to 'make
it available' to the community, but that's not MY call to make - obviously,
I didn't write the software.
But in cases like that, where the company simply does not exist anymore...
what do we do? Legally,
at what point do we say, "I've tried as hard as I can to contact the
crreators, I've passed some statute
of limitations, we're free to make it available to the community". Or can we
EVER reach that point legally?

One other case related to the above - there was a really cool (in my mind
anyway) recipie software
package from Teletype (who makes GPS stuff) that is NO LONGER AVAILABLE.
They've gotten rid
of ALL Newton stuff - they dug around, checked with a couple people (I saw
the emails) - no go.
Nuthin. Nada. I've got one potential lead. But I'm STILL LOOKING for this
software... I really want
it. ANYONE? I think in this case, the term would be 'abandonware' - the
company exists but is
not doing ANYTHING in the Newton world anymore.

2) Software that required reg codes. What do we do here with software that
isn't supported anymore
but requires codes? There are cases where again, the company does not exist
anymore, and codes
were required... do we just yawn and say that's just the way it is, or try
and figure it out? In my
particular case, I had spent money with Tactile on a number of their games.
It took me almost
8 MONTHS to initially reach them - they were out of the country (Mr. Bruce
was working for a client
overseas). Kim (his wife?) finally got in touch with me and I was able to
buy WorldConquest, Motile!,
MysteryCapers, MineFieldII, SuperNewtris, and SolitoDX - all great games. I
had to change newtons.
Now, because codes are based off of the Newton's unique ID and NOT one's
OwnerName (like all
StandAlone's software), none of my codes work. And I've tried now for about
2 months getting in touch
with them to no avail, using his email address and Kim's.... nothing.
WorldConquest and Solito were
two of my favs. What do I do now if I can't reach them?

My appologies for the H U G E email, but it's been an ongoing concern of
mine for some time.
Part of the reason I really love the Newton platform was because there
simply was some really
kick-boo-tay software out there that even TODAY doesn't exist on other
systems. But some of
it is no longer available, and as time goes on, there may be others to
follow. As a 'community',
what do we or can we do to help keep this great stuff alive?

John Powell

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