From: Chris Kenny (
Date: Fri Jun 15 2001 - 10:29:28 PDT
At 08:52 +0200 2001-06-15, Robert Benschop wrote:
>Apart from the fact that Paul mentioned that a 2x00 hums anyway,
>(like I bought a cube and now I sit here listening to the wine of the hard
>disk, life isn't easy for people with sensitive ears ;-)
Just thought I'd mention the following, to those interested in
silencing their computers:
__ a "Silent-PC" listserve (international, in English, quite active,
with an easy to use archive):
__ a large webpage, that Tomas Risberg in Sweden has put together, to
compile relevant information (including a host of hyperlinks) on this
subject (this page takes a while to load -- in my opinion, it is an
unbelievably complete resource, well organized, and reasonably up to
I don't know about others, but when I bought my Newton, ONE of the
prime reasons was because of its silence.
Chris Kenny
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