[NTLK] Re: DSL on Ethernet card when DSL requires EnterNe

From: Ivan Shaw (ishaw_at_sympatico.ca)
Date: Fri Jun 15 2001 - 11:43:02 PDT

On Fri, Jun 15 2001 Stainless Steel Rat wrote this to Drew Loker:
>What you need to do is get a second NIC for your PPPoE client and turn it
>into a gateway box for your home network.

If this is not an option, you can also do this with something like the Netgear RT314 ($100-150 USD) or Nexland ISB2LAN (more expensive). Both have functional PPPoE clients, NAT and port forwarding if you want to use the Newton as a webserver

Ivan T. Shaw, PhD
Propolis is "bee glue."
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