Re: [NTLK] DSL on Ethernet card when DSL requires EnterNet interface

From: Bill Pence (
Date: Fri Jun 15 2001 - 15:15:51 PDT

on 6/15/01 6:26 AM, at
profoundly expounded thusly:

> From: "Drew Loker" <>
> Subject: [NTLK] DSL on Ethernet card when DSL requires EnterNet interface??
> Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2001 06:21:47 -0000
> I have a DSL at work that I am excited about getting my Ethernet card
> finally working so I can access and update my Newton on a regular basis from
> the office network.
> But is there any hope of getting my Newton to connect to my home DSL that I
> have to use the Enternet 300 software to connect with when I use my
> computer? IN other words, at home, I ahve to intiate a connection.
> Thanks for the feedback!
> Drew
The newton does NOT need to run enternet.
You can solve this several ways. If you put a NAT router program such as
IPNetRouter on the machine running enternet, any number of machines can
connect (all without enternet).
OR you could get a hardware router such as the linksys, and this hooks to
the dsl modem, runs the PPPoE and presents a DHCP interface to the lan. For
this to work, the DSL modem MUST present an ethernet interface.
There are other options, but they are just derivatives of these...

got more questions?
I am just warming up.

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