Re: [NTLK] general driver for NE2000 erhernet cards?

From: Paul Guyot (
Date: Sat Jun 16 2001 - 03:12:20 PDT

>OK, but do any of any of the above drivers recognise any NE2k card for usage?
>I havent tested the above yet, but suspect that the newton will tell me that
>the card I have inserted is not usable, even though the driver could work
>well with it.

The problem is that the Lantern APIs checks the procuct CIS string.
I have written a simple fake-PCMCIA driver to grab it (among other
information), and adding your card string to the NE2K sample driver
will make the Newton recognize the card. If it's NE2K compliant, it
should work.

I wrote this software for Hiroshi's WaveLAN driver to make a patch to
get his driver recognize standard WaveLAN cards. But I've been told
that his driver didn't work.


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