Re: [NTLK] NewtonBook resources

From: Isaac Tüftler (
Date: Sat Jun 16 2001 - 06:13:15 PDT

On 16 Jun 2001, at 0:20, Scott A. Felt wrote:

> I have been trying for a couple of years to find examples of 2K books
> that fill the screen. I have a bunch of books I've created for my own
> use, and it would be really great to be able to use the full screen.
> I've used NewtonPress and Book Maker successfully, but this last detail
> eludes me. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Here are one solution for different booksizes created by the Windows-
Versions of Press & Bookmaker:


Look in file "Press.ini" in press-folder.
Every line in this file is 1 format.

For example "Classic = 302,240,1,0"

Classic = Name of format, showing up or choosable under
        Edit / Preferences / Platform

302 = Height of page

240 = Width of page

1 = bits per pixel (only for pictures important. On all 1x0 models only
"1" applicable, on Emate/2x00 is "4" correct)

0 = Unknown purpose. Perhaps reserved/planned for number of
colors, so "0" would be for Grey.

Newton Bookmaker 1.1 DR2

You have to change some bytes in the EXE-file (HexEditor).
Do it in a copy. Attention: reversed order of bytes (Intel)

Offset Content
58E7 Height
58F6 Height
17864 Width
17868 Height + 2
1ACD8 Width as ASCII-Text
1AD15 Height as ASCII-TXT


Greetings from Germany

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