[NTLK] Newton friendly Aussie ISP?

From: Tim De Chant (dechant_at_stolaf.edu)
Date: Sat Jun 16 2001 - 21:31:24 PDT

Here's the deal: I'm going to be in Australia from February through May
for school and I will be needing internet access. Since we will be
travelling around a lot (mostly on the easter coast and a little bit
inward), I can't take a laptop as it would be to heavy and bulky.
Besides, I don't have one. What I do have is a uMP2000 that would work

Since I would have to pay a lot of money to use internet cafes to check
email, etc., I am wondering if there is an Australian ISP that would fit
my needs. I would prefer a toll free calling number so I can use it on
the road and of course, it has to be Newton friendly. The term of the
service agreement can be worried about later, I'm just wondering if such
a service is available and for how much. Thanks a lot!


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