[NTLK] tip replacement

From: sine (sine_at_sine.ath.cx)
Date: Sun Jun 17 2001 - 19:34:38 PDT

hi. just wanted to let you all kno of an easy way to replace a broken tip on
the aluminum newt stylus.
i was searching for a long time for somthing that would suffice as a tip,
when i found a nylon screw. they come in a few sizes but i found that the
4-40 size (i beleive its that size) fit best. i just screwed it into the
threaded hole on the handle, cut off the head of the screw than with an
xacto knife widdled away the shaft to a tip. i than sanded and burnished it
to a perfect tip, worthy of a pda panache. anyhow, just a good method i

s i n e


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