[NTLK] Newted Community Going Away [Was: MP2k battery pack]

From: Grant [Vertical Crust] Hutchinson (grant_at_splorp.com)
Date: Mon Jun 18 2001 - 10:05:37 PDT

In a previous message, Brian McEwen typed vigorously:

>Are those pages housed/backed up elsewhere? newted.dyndns
>is likely to go away any minute, IIRC.

Back on the NT2 list, John Powell <jp_at_iwillbefree.com> was going to get
in touch with Stacey Tenen <sysop_at_newted.dyndns.org> regarding finding a
way to archive and transfer all of the ftp and editorial content to
another server prior to the shutdown.

John? Are you here? Did you discover anything?



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