[NTLK] low level IR reception

From: Henri Delebecque (delebecq_at_supelec.fr)
Date: Mon Jun 18 2001 - 23:16:26 PDT


I have a "programmable" IR Remote Control Device, that's to say
a device able to "learn" how to control my TV, VCR, CD, and others.

To be able to learn, this programmable device has two kind of IR LED,
one for receiving (and "learning"), and one to emit, and control the TV.

Unfortunately, I have bought only one of these, and it becomes less
reliable. My goal is to write a Newton App able to have the same

I have read in some Apple Tech Docs that the Newton IR receiver
is "hardware filtered" and thus unable to recieve from IR remote
control devices. Actually, I have found functions and docs to emit
IR binary frames ( sendRemoteControlCode,...) which seems
to be supplied by the NTK and not in ROM, but nothing to recieve.

Any idea ?

| Henri Delebecque                        delebecq_at_supelec.fr |
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