Re: [NTLK] Adresses help

From: John M. Powell (
Date: Tue Jun 19 2001 - 06:00:50 PDT

You are looking for an ap called AffiliatePlus by
SilverWARE, makers of MoreInfo.
It's a neat little stand-alone pkg that allows you to
add multiple affiliates to any name you wish... adds
First/Last name, Company, Affiliation, two phone numbers,
email, and birthday.

John Powell

> Hi all,
> I have a question for the ML:
> I need a different kind of displaying the Addresses in Names.
> I need in the same firm to file different phone numbers divided per
> affiliate, for instance:
> Klavadesign Powerful studios
> Zamma st. 51
> Bolzano, Italy
> Affiliates:
> Mr.White, Paul (President)
> (H) 0471/262653
> (W) 0471/306065
> (C) 0339/6250900
> email:
> Mr.Brown, Steven (C.E.O.)
> (H) 0471/265853
> (W) 0471/389888
> (C) 0339/6258785
> with the raw Names application it isn't possible: wich sw can do that for
> me?
> thank you everybody!
> Marco
> Italy
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