[NTLK] Windows sync (was Re: Newtourage is great!)

From: Ivan Shaw (ishaw_at_sympatico.ca)
Date: Tue Jun 19 2001 - 23:27:02 PDT

On Tue, Jun 19 2001 Breadman816_at_cs.com wrote:
>Are their any good syncing programs for Windows????

Lotus Organizer 2.1x is a good one to look at. Now free (I don't have the URL but I'm sure someone will chime in); it does Names, To-Dos, Dates and Notes, though sketches come out as an "*" entry.

I think Landware <http://www.landware.com> was selling something to sync Schedule+; it may also sync Exchange mail, but that's a really old mail system.

Commontime Cadenza (now free) syncs with Lotus Notes 4.5x and 4.6x; Names, To-Dos and Dates, but not Notes.

If you're using Outlook, there's Lookout and Outlink. Names, To-Dos and Dates; Notes2Notes allows you to sync the Notes but you will require Steve Weyer's Sloup on the Newton.

There are probably other solutions, but I think these are the major ones.

Ivan T. Shaw, PhD
Propolis is "bee glue."
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