From: esworp (
Date: Thu Jun 21 2001 - 12:33:15 PDT
I connect to my g4 tower with a belkin serial-to-usb adapter. As a side
note, everything works fine in osx.. the classic emulation is actually
better; in os9, NCU monopolises the system resources... in OSX the
calssic layer stays to itsself, letting me get on with life.
On Thursday, June 21, 2001, at 01:06 PM, Norman wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to ramble for a minute. I went out to look at PDA's the other
> day. As I picked each one up and review its features, pushed its
> buttons, looked at software from games to organizers to windows
> ce(blaaaaach). It dawned on me that the best PDA was the one I bought 4
> years ago called the Newton Messagepad 2000.
> I have been halfheartedly using it for the last four years and now have
> to once again try to organize my mind because of a new job that takes
> me on the road quite a bit. I like to travel light. So my Newton is
> back in my life again. I was heartened to find this forum and see that
> there are a few people left who are still using this revolutionary box.
> We should all get together and e-mail the blockheads at Apple who
> discontinued this product. I recommend we e-mail the number one
> blockhead, Steve Jobs.
> Sorry, I should acknowledge that he enabled some of the best technology
> to be developed and the people at Apple have literally changed the way
> the followers present their products in the market. I am just
> frustrated by the mis-steps. I know that probably no-one cares or gives
> a rats ass what I think but I still theink the message pad, even though
> it is over 4 years old, is better than any of the other PDA's on the
> market today.
> Thanks for reading this if you got this far and maybe I will write
> again. Oh Yeah, How can I communicate from my Newton to my G#
> Laptop???? Any suggestions??
> -- Norman E. O'Neil
> V.P. Sales
> Saepio Technologies Inc.
> Direct: 913-327-5330
> FAX : 913-327-5350
> Toll Free: 877 468 7613
> --
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