Re: [NTLK] 3Com589D- power consumption + Baslisk, Mac ROM

From: Darl Singh (
Date: Thu Jun 21 2001 - 14:42:26 PDT

Odd - while I'm using the same card (Thanks again Mark!) I'm seeing 20-30%
drop over the same period: to the extent that I tnd to connect, do what I
have to then drop it else Pinky fails due to low power.
Confirmed using 2 (original) Apple packs and some 1.4AH NiMH's.

What batt- power packs were u using?

On a related subject: my interest in Basilisk has been renewed :-)
Anyone know of:
1/ A good FAQ laying out the how-to's: the home page is a bit skimpy on
stuff like where to find the OS, etc...
2/ ROM images - what have others done here? - Macs are a little hard to get
down here in NZ for a 'reasonable' price, even second-hand.
What suggestions? Given I'm only interested in connecting NCU to my Newt via
Enet.... <copious excuses/platitudes end here> - any suggestions?
All flames off-list please ;-)

What I can do at the moment is play with Thomas' soup browser. This
has.....HUGE potential!
Anyone got an 'interpreter' for the saved files that's useful? I'm using
Word's "extract text from any file' utility at present: the data is however
only marginally readable....

TIA for any and all info
----- Original Message -----
From: "Brian McEwen" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, June 22, 2001 8:58 AM
Subject: [NTLK] 3Com589D- power consumption

> There were a couple posts about the cheap 3Com cards and power
> consumption; for the first time I've had my 2100 on battery and ethernet
> all afternoon, and it seems a good estimate of power consumption would be
> 2 or 3% drop, every 15 or 20 min of connect time.
> Not bad! Much better than I expected.

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