From: Rodney Rothstein (
Date: Thu Jun 21 2001 - 22:22:26 PDT
Jim J. and Paul N.,
I tried increasing memory for all NCU associated programs to over
16Mb and I deleted all of the old preferences. All to no avail. NCU
won't send out any Names info to Claris, tab delimited or Now. The
same is true if try to backup. It goes nowhere so I can't see where
it is hung up. I was hoping that there is an easier way than relying
on back export because I have found that some of the info on the
cards gets scrambled. For example, all cards become "persons",
"company" is just obliterated. That is not a big price to pay for
desktop/PDA connection but there are other bits lost as well.
Anyway, here's a bit more strange happenings. Using an IR
connection, I started to transfer my 1600 names into my wife's MP2000
and approximately 75% of the people that get transferred become
companies. The person just becomes secondary to the company name.
Has anyone heard of this before? Is there an easy way to revert the
card back to its original state with the person primary and the
company secondary?
Thanks for all of the help and kudos to all involved for making
newtontalk a success!
>Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2001 21:30:28 -0700
>From: jimthej <>
>Subject: Re:
>on 6/20/01 9:14 PM, Rodney Rothstein at
>> I have been successfully using NCU with either a 450 MHz G4 cube or
>> my G3 to create Claris Organizer (CO) files of Names, Dates, To Dos
>> and Notes. Using the export command, I made four separate files and
>> "synched" them in CO and placed the file (User data) in Palm Desktop
>> (PD). Now, all of a sudden I am getting: "Could not complete the
> > Export command because an error has occurred (-1)" message on my both
>> Macs. This only occurs for Names. Dates, To Dos and Notes export
>> fine. I have tried a soft reset, I have tried deleting the first two
>> entries in Names. I have discarded the XLATE.LOG in Intellilink. I
>> am stumped. Does anyone have a suggestion as to why this would
>> happen out of the blue? What can I do to export all of my names (over
>> 1600)?
>Sounds like a corrupted name. Does it stop at the same place each time?
>There was a discussion about this some time ago on the old NTLK but I don't
>remember the easy fix. The hard fix was to export all names as a tab
>delimited file with NCU, take them into excel or a flat file database of
>some type and check for errors, discontinuities, etc.. Then delete the names
>soup and the prefs and re import. At least I hope for your sake that's how
>it's done. If there is an easier way, someone please chime in.>
>Jim Johnston
>Mac Smacker
>Newton User
>Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2001 23:44:34 -0500
>Subject: Re: [NTLK] NCU: error has occurred (-1)
>From: Paul Nuernberger <>
>Have you tried deleting the prefs for NCU & CO ? Have you tried to export
>to a new blank file ? Have you moved or altered the original files you
>exported to ?
>If you are trying to export 1600 Names from the Newton - how much RAM do you
>have assigned to NCU, to CO, and to the little COrgAE2 applet in the
>Intellilink folder ? 1600 Names should require a pretty large chunk of
>memory in at least one of these.
>Paul Nuernberger
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