From: Paul Guyot (
Date: Fri Jun 22 2001 - 11:36:15 PDT
>Why giving up on HFS partition support? Suppose I have a PowerBook
>and initialize an ATA card in it.
It will be initialized as a FAT card. To initialize an ATA card in
HFS format, you'll need to do some special trick.
>If the HFS partition was seen as a regular Newton store, then we
>could bypass NCU or any other utility completely for package
No, no, no. I explained this a thousand times, and here we go again.
FAT support (and HFS support as it was planned) only means that
you'll be able to access files on these partitions using some third
party software. I'll write some interface for example to
import/export notes/text files, but it's all you'll get. These
partitions won't be used and seen as a Newton store. There was the
idea to have a file on these seen as a Newton store in NewtonOS, but
this will be horribly slow.
>Plus, if somebody ever comes with a data browser/backup utility,
>able to read the data in the Newton, then this app, running on a
>desktop, could be able to access the data directly from the ATA card
>(probably with some modifications). That would be great if you break
>your Newton and want to access your data.
This is nearly impossible. Although I'll document the new version of
Newton Stores on ATA cards, which will make possible to read a card
on a desktop computer and grab every object on it, the link to the
entries/soup/store information organization remains to be discovered.
I know a couple of things already about it, but not much (basically
just how the store name is stored on this card from the root object).
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