Re: [NTLK] Screwed up Time Zones

From: Paul Guyot (
Date: Sat Jun 23 2001 - 03:07:45 PDT

>How can I delete these unwanted entries?

Two ways:
a/ look for the Cities soup (Extras->Storage) and delete it. Beware,
it will also remove all the cities you have entered.
b/ when the application is open, at the top it shows the current city
(Paris here) and at the bottom, the target city (which you change by
taping on the map or using the city picker). Tap the action button
(with an envelope) and then delete (the only choice). If the city
you're deleting is built-in, the system will create a soup entry on
the default store (or maybe just the internal store) which will say
that the city is delete (same behavior if you change data about the
built-in city).


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