Re: [NTLK] Tibet Questions

From: Mark Rollins (
Date: Tue Jun 26 2001 - 06:09:26 PDT

From: "Smith, Tod A" <>
Subject: [NTLK] Tibet Questions
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2001 14:25:04 -0500

> Will Tibet work with the still camera portion of a JVC camcorder?

> Where can I find Tibet documentation?
There's not much, but you don't need much.
Attach cable, start camera, open Tibet, choose "show pictures on
I do have a pdf brochutre, but I think this is on as well.
The best is to use SimpleMail (which now interecpts Tibet's e-mail
transport) to send JPGs, which retain their color. What's neat is to
take a picture (Olympus D360L), dump the photo (easier with the new,
miracle DongleDestroyer) and send via wireless e-mail.
My co-workers really appreciated the shots I sent from Cafe Du Monde in
New Orleans, while they were toiling away.

> Is Tibet of much use without a registration key?
No. You can search the Web and Hotline for either "Tibet Hack" or
"Newton Hacks", which contains this package.
Alternately, you could beat your head against the wall and try to
pay/register it
I've had an epiphany - if the software's dropped, and I want to use it,
I will. There was a great pdf document produced a few years ago showing
how to use ViewFrame to conjure up a RegCode.
From a personal standpoint - and I've mentioned this before, any
"cracked" software I use, there's a check for the full amount, payable
to the author/publisher, in an envelope in my desk at home.

> Are there any alternatives to Tibet for digital camera interfacing?
QV-Lab from "The Factory" (Japanese Website, yes, that's the name)
allowed connection with Canons, and their proprietary format (I forget
the name, but it weren't GIF, TIF or JPG.
Really neat, as it allowed a slideshow format, really bad (depending on
one's point of view) as it was in Japanese. I believe The Factory
stopped selling this recently.

Mark Rollins, CIH, CSP
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