Re: [NTLK] MP120 email and surfing? and Lookout success

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Tue Jun 26 2001 - 13:00:03 PDT

"Cook, Thomas" wrote:
> I have just successfully used Lookout to sync my 120 with Outlook on my work
> WinNT box. This has given me new excitement about continuing to use my
> Newton for the foreseeable future while Palms and Wince (what a perfect
> name) come and go all around me.
> I also recently discovered the power of Newton Press to get information
> (including copied web sites) into my Newton in the form of Newton books
> (including b/w images (which can be used for AVI backdrops!) and maps too!).
> Every few months I learn a new trick with my 120 and it keeps me happy and
> eases the 2x00 envy for a little while.
> Now that I have the synching problem solved I am re-evaluating some of the
> other wish list items. Is anyone sending/receiving email with a 120/2.0?
> Surfing the web?
> I have two goals with the posting - learn about email and web surfing with a
> MP120/2.0 and tell people about my recent discoveries in case they are
> trying to use their 120/130 and like me were unaware that Lookout and Newton
> Press were available and greatly increased the capability and usability of
> our venerable message pads.

Mail and surfing can be done, but it's very hard. You need to keep every
package you installed on your Newton frozen. Only PPP connections are
possible. No ethernet. POP mail servers only, no IMAP.

Use SimpleMail by Simon Bell and Newtscape by Steve Weyer.


Laurent Daudelin              Developer, Multifamily, ESO, Fannie Mae             Washington, DC,
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